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Cholera Outbreak Prevention - How to Kill Cholera Bacteria!
Learn How You can Destroy Cholera with Activated Oxygen

Ozone destroys Vibrio Cholerae!

Cholera bacteria (Vibrio Cholerae) can be neutralised and inactivated by Ozone. This means you can control a Cholera outbreak and even bring it to a stop. For South Africans this is good news indeed!

With the recent wave of Cholera outbreaks in South Africa, many people wonder how safe their drinking water is. Yes, infection by the Cholera bacterium from polluted drinking water will be very bad for your health. However, we have an answer to the problem!

Nature provides the Ultimate Prevention Solution against Cholera!

This Solution is available to you by you making use of Ozone Machines. Originally, ozone was discovered by Dutch physicist Martinus Van Marum, in 1785. Ozone Generators were first developed in 1857 by a German named Von Siemens. What does this mean for you and I, today?
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Cholera can be Inactivated by Ozone released from an Ozone Machine!

Ozone kills Vibrio Cholera BacteriumHow is this possible? Ozone reacts 3200 times quicker than chemicals used in everyday cleaning. It is even better than applying Chlorine. Also, unlike in the case of Chlorine, there are absolutely no secondary harmful or residual derivatives which remain. (Read more about Ozone compared to Chlorine...)

It is common knowledge that chlorine kills many microorganisms. Yet, it does not eliminate all water-borne pathogens when used at EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) approved levels. In contrast, ozone is renowned for being among the strongest, fastest and safest disinfectants and oxidants for water treatment available today. On top of it all, ozone typically is completely environmentally friendly!

Cholera is a bacterium which exists in nature. It simply makes sense to combat it with materials which already exist in nature! This makes Ozone the absolute natural answer to the Cholera problem. Ozone destroys micro-organisms non-selectively. And, unlike most antibiotics, ozone doesn't cause bacteria and viruses to become resistant and immune to its actions.
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The use of Ozone against Cholera now Preferred above other Methods - That's Good News Indeed!

When sewage and water is treated for the removal or destruction of bacteria and viruses, the use of Ozone for prevention is now preferable and favoured above many other methods. And, today it is easier than ever to do than in the past. Ozone machines are now compact, portable, and easy to install and operate. Most of these are virtually maintenance free, and if needed, can be repaired locally. (View latest Ozone Water Purification Equipment)

Ozone O3 Water Purifier SystemsOzone manifests as a gas... By now this is obvious to all of us. This is a great benefit in the process of disinfection and sterilization of water and air! Since it's a gas it reaches hidden places much easier than popular disinfectants or cleaning products. And, as mentioned, it returns back into its natural state of oxygen.

Learn more about Ozone Water Purification Systems...

Ozone use aginst Cholera compared to Chlorine:
  • Ozone leaves no secondary harmful or residual by-products in the water or environment. The Ozone half life is 30 minutes, which means it quickly returns back to pure oxygen.
  • The by-products of Chlorine are called Chloroforms, and these may be linked to cancer.
  • When used, Ozone has no chemical taste or smell. And, when dissolved in water, ozone does not irritate the skin, nose, or ears. Ozone will not corrode as much as chlorine in water, especially compared to salt chlorination.
  • Ozone is strong, quick and safe! It purifies water 3200 times faster than chlorine. Ozone requires no rinsing or cleaning. This saves expensive resources and time.
  • Applied at the correct levels, ozone treats all water borne pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, molds, yeasts, mildew, etc.. (By the way, chlorine cannot kill protozoa.) Also, over time, bacteriums like E. Coli and Giardia Lamblia can build resistance to chlorine.
  • Ozone can assist in removing minerals such as iron, manganese, and sulfur.
  • Modern Ozone Equipment and Machines are very convenient. They are usually portable, and can be installed locally. Also, no storage is usually required. It is important to realise that Ozone systems are the ideal answer for long-term disinfection!
  • Without a doubt, Ozone proves to be a much safer & environmentally-friendly option. For a waterborne sanitization requirement, the long-term investment comes at a much lower cost.

Want to know more? Contact us Now!


Use Ozone in and for the following Applications:
  • Holiday Resorts, Hotels, Vacation Venues & Accommodations
  • Shops, Boutiques, Shopping Malls
  • Houses, Apartments, Dwellings
  • Entertainment Centres & Cinema Complexes
  • Retail & Commercial Premises, Offices
  • Hospitals, Medical Centres, Consulting Rooms
  • Aged Care Facilities - Child Indoor Play & Care Centres
  • Pilates & Yoga Studios, Beauty Salons, Hairdressers
  • Gymnasiums, Indoor Sports Centres, Health Studios
  • Vehicles, Vehicle Showrooms, Public Transport


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